A Holiday On Holiday!

I’ve been trying to make the most of my time at home – so at the weekend I jetted off to The Netherlands to visit an old school friend.

It was wonderful! I know I sound typically British here, but we got SO lucky with with weather!


Romin is based in Utrecht, so we spent Saturday exploring. The best part was all the cheese!!

Part of me is honestly worried about returning to Indonesia and leaving the cheddar-y goodness!

Everywhere was so picturesque and traditionally European – I loved just walking around the city and soaking it all in.


On Saturday night we sampled some local beer and stayed up far too late discussing everything that we’d missed over the past few months – I love being reunited with old friends!



Despite all the beer that needed to be drunk, cheese that needed to be eaten and gossip that needed to be shared, we still managed to squeeze 2 day trips in…

Day #1 – The Hague.

The Hague is the old political part of the country – I didn’t really know what to expect but we packed the bikes on to the train, and it was beautiful.

There was so many places that I saw and thought ‘wow, I really want to live here for a little while!’




We even made it to the beach! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚


It was so much fun to explore other parts of the country.

Day #2 – Amsterdam, and the Rijks museum.


The most interesting part of the museum was all about the Dutch invasion of Indonesia. Check out the batik and gamelan!

There was also a great exhibition that reminded me of Humans of New York, by a photographer that was interested in how varied the Dutch population was, so he started taking pictures and recording the subjects’ date of birth and professions.


I also had a picture taken outside the museum, to match one that I took when I visited Amsterdam 5 years ago!

Left: Boiling in 2009. Right: Shivering in 2014!!

And there you have it – just a little snapshot of a wonderful trip ๐Ÿ™‚

Any thoughts?